Saturday, May 2, 2020

Identifying the Real Essential Workers During MCO

When it comes to wages, they are called unskilled workers, defining them as using minimal intelectual abilities and ranging them in the lower income group. But when it comes to a crisis, they are called essential workers, leaving them working where it is most dangerous.

This is how humans categorize ourselves. The Covid-19 situation made it obvious which jobs truely matter when it comes to survival of humankind. Do we watch an NBA player or a footballer to get our food or to clear the garbage? Yet how is it that the so-called essential ones end up at the bottom of the salary range? Is physical strength not as worthy as the intellect that many selfish and conceited people have? Or we simply gave some jobs more privillege that they deserve based on our insatiable addiction which we call passion or interest.

Having dabbled in the waste management industry, I can testify that the contributions of a rubbish collector is tremendous yet under appreciated and taken for granted. The sacrifice of comfort and health is unseen. Just because they are less educated or under privileged, their hands deserve to be covered in filth? We don't see a fair allocation of compensation for workers that are truely important. Without the janitor, the storekeeper and the deliveryman, what is left of us.

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